Have you heard about our monthly plans with weekly and bi-weekly donation payment options?
The more plans we have, the lower the donations become. And we will sometimes let you know your donation requirements has gone down when this happens. But usually, it just allows us to grandfather you in at the same price as things continue to get more expensive.
So far, people on our plans have enjoyed them and kept them. Two have left, but only as a result of good news. We don’t see them as lost patients. People saved from a life of pain is a win, even if it means they no longer do business with us. We have cancer patients too, when they stop doing business with us, its often for much more grave and sad reasons. In these two cases, our patients who left the plans stopped needing any pain reliever at all! They went from opiates, to marijuana, to not needing any pain relief other than an occasional asprin.
We at The Grow Dojo definitely feel those are wins.